We are very proud of the accomplishments of our swimmers
and the opportunity to spend time together.

March Madness - Chilliwack 2025

Our biggest turn out is always the sprint meet in Chilliwack! 38 Wavemates travelled to Chilliwack to race and cheer on teammates. As always, the highlight was our after-meet gathering at a local restaurant. Be sure to check out photos from all our meets on our FB page ( Thanks to every swim that led us to winning the meet.

EBSC Love to Swim 2025

The EBSC meet filled to capacity before the deadline and a few Wave swimmers sadly did not get their entry in. In fact, it closed in less than 24 hours after opening! The highlight is always the Flamingo Relay and Betty was right in it as usual. The prize is chocolates, Betty's favorite!

Victoria 2025

It's a bit of a journey to get to the Victoria meet, but 16 team members hopped on the ferry for the long course meet in Victoria. Victoria puts on a very nice gathering afterwards while some of our swimmers are still downstairs swimming the 800 free! Plenty of food still available before we all hopped on the ferry home.

Nanaimo Short Course 2024

It's great to spend more time with teammates as we travel together and enjoy the chili fest after the meet. The Nanaimo team is so welcoming and we love the chance to chat with other teams after the meet. Just a small, cozy group of Wavers made the journey, but we enjoyed our time together on the ferry rides and got home just in time to snuggle up with loved ones.

Ottermania Long Course 2024

Wow! This year, we had 34 Wave swimmers sign up for this very challenging long course meet (last year, we only had 12, despite the fact that Watermania is less than a half hour away!). Everyone made points for the team--Yay!--we could not do it without each and every one of you. Shout out to Luana and Ingrit for swimming the 1500 super early to kick off the meet. Extra bonus points to our 5 volunteers for the 100 fly in the 4 x 100 medley relay: Monica! Aldert! Susie! Andrea! Ross! And to our new crew (you know who you are!!!)--you took up the challenge and did a spectacular job! We just edged out the Legacy team 2174.5 to 2120.

North Short Sprint Meet 2024

What a great meet! 32 very brave Wavemates travelled north through wind, rain, and oodles and oodles of poodles puddles. We are so proud of everyone who swam in the meet. We did a great job racing and came in on top of the leaderboard in our first meet of the 2024-25 season. Lots of first-time racers (the new crew!) who helped secure the victory! We are looking forward to a very rewarding season full of fun and fantastic swims!

MSABC Provincial Championships

We have had a fantastic season, capped off by our win at Provincials and the League Trophy for our Division. So Congratulations WAVE! 61 team members swam in at least one meet this year (out of 74 teammates), with 6 people competing in 6 or more meets.

Lots of records were broken! Many people swam in events they had not competed in before and challenged themselves to do 4 to 7 events (or more at Provincials) in a single meet!! Lots of new team members gave competition a try—YAY! Our record number of participants was 44 at the Chilliwack meet & at Provincials. All meet results can be found on the MSABC website.

So many of you contributed to making the Provincials a success! Despite multiple relay changes and very last-minute substitutions, we managed to have 24 relays--many of which broke or set records. Every relay counts and usually determines the winning team, so thank you for swimming in a relay this season, especially at Provincials!! There are several local teams bigger than ours, so those relay swims were super important to our success! 

We could not have pulled off the Provincial meet without our many volunteers. We appreciate everyone's contributions so much! Special thanks to those who took leadership roles, volunteers who helped all day for three days, and those of you who swam and volunteered and swam and volunteered some more and got your family members to volunteer, too. Everyone's efforts made the meet a success, and we'll continue to celebrate this summer and into the next season.

Be sure to check out the photos from this season on Facebook and Instagram

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